Don’t let this year be more of the same repetitive story you’ve been living with for years…

Clear Unconscious Beliefs, Move Beyond Your Plateau And Upgrade Your Success
Did you know that when you decide to do something out of the ordinary or make a big change…your unconscious fears go into overdrive in a misguided attempt to keep you safe?

Yes…your biggest obstacle to success is most often rooted in an internal belief system that you may not even be aware of!

Success is not about mind over matter or working harder

It’s about identifying and releasing foundational beliefs that cause you to make default decisions and take auto-pilot actions that are safe and familiar.
The truth is… if your internal belief system does not line up with your desired actions and outcomes, success will be very hard to come by.
Let's Clear Unconscious Beliefs, Release Sabotaging Fears 
And Unlock Your Ability To Upgrade Your Success
Did you know you may be holding onto negative beliefs and assumptions that were passed down to you by your ancestors?
Yes…if one of your direct ancestors experienced a negative outcome in their pursuit of success…or had negative beliefs surrounding success and the accumulation of wealth…those beliefs have been passed down to you and will continue to have an influence on you.

 That is why this series is uniquely tailored to uncover both personal AND inherited assumptions and beliefs.

The reason other meditations often don’t work is that they only scratch the surface of the issue, and here’s why:

While they may help you address your own assumptions about your ability to be successful… other meditations or visualizations don’t solve any deeply entrenched ancestral blocks. 

These inherited blocks have been in your genetic code for so long, they’re the ones that have the strongest hold on you.

 They are also the ones you are the least aware of…

 If these ancestral blocks are not first cleared, you are trying to build a new story on top of an incompatible foundation.

All your work to become successful won’t stick because foundational beliefs that are deeply rooted in generational experiences are still calling the shots.

I speak directly to the subconscious and release all the most strongly held energies around the ideas of success that are holding you back.

"I noticed results right away because it’s powerful work. I immediately felt things shifting and knew that I was releasing old stuff that has been around for a long time that was definitely not serving me. I have a more heightened sense of well-being and overall peace."

Sarah Glicken 
Osteostrong Business Owner
What's Included And How It Works

When you participate in My Success Upgrade Program you will…

  • Become aware of unconscious patterns and assumptions that are actually repelling your ability to be successful
  • ​Identify long standing beliefs that are causing you to remain stuck
  • ​Understand the reason behind your self-sabotaging habits and actions
  • ​Identify and confront lingering fears surrounding success that no longer serve your best interest

When You Enroll in The Success Upgrade Program You'll Receive...

  • MP3 downloads for 3 Healing Activations. Listen to each activation twice, with 48 hours between each listen…then, watch the results unfold!
  • Healing Affirmations for each audio, to help you visualize, believe in, and manifest what you’re affirming and make positive shifts in your life.
  • Success Upgrade Program Worksheets with questions that enable you to check-in and notice the positive shifts you are activating.
"Not only did clients and higher-end opportunities started falling into my lap - I finally felt confident enough to take them on” 

Ariana Dokhanchy Writer and Entrepreneur

And Gain 3 Healing Activations

With three in-depth Healing Activations you'll work towards breaking the power of different assumptions about success and the negative results that are currently manifesting in your life.

 It’s an amazing experience of relaxing and listening as I guide you through a series of steps to acknowledge and release these stuck emotions.
Inherited blocks to success are sneaky, often unconscious, assumptions that have been passed down to you from your ancestors. These beliefs stem from an experience of trauma or scarcity around the ideas of success that your ancestors lived through. It could be your grandparents believed that rich people are greedy and oppressive. If this belief is lingering in your DNA you will be repelled from wealth because you don’t want to be thought of as greedy or oppressive.
Personal blocks to success are both the conscious and unconscious ideas and assumptions that you have personally acquired about your ability to be successful. You may have learned that people of your gender or current socioeconomic status cannot rise to the same levels of success as others. You may have been told that you are not smart enough…or told yourself that you are lazy or a procrastinator. All these false beliefs work together to keep you from achieving the success that is your divine right.
Once the old energies from false inherited and personal assumptions have been cleared away you now have room to receive new beliefs that are in alignment with your life desires. Being infused with beliefs about abundance, prosperity, generosity, unlimited potential and unconditional love will propel you forward into receiving the gifts that the universe has in store for you.
"Just play her audio when you’re on the treadmill, the airplane, walking, sleeping or whenever you get the chance to have her in your ears, because she’s clearing things on the subconscious level. And the more you get access to her, the deeper it goes. So I definitely recommend her pre-recorded trainings to just play over and over again, so that it goes deeper and deeper every time you play it." 

Andrea Albright
CEO Beverly Hills Publishing

Until these unknown, unconscious and inherited assumptions are identified, the road to success will continue to be a stressful, uphill battle…rather than a free-flowing journey of joy and abundance as you step into your purpose.

Get my three-part 30-day Success Upgrade Program. 
And have all the support you need right now to make this your year of breakthrough to success!
I am offering very limited enrollment spaces in my Success Upgrade Program for only $297.
My goal is that you experience the incredible joy and freedom that comes from releasing all the negative assumptions that have left you stuck in a repeating cycle of sameness or defeat.

And of course, this is backed by my 100% satisfaction guarantee. I want you to be happy with my Money Acceleration Series. And if you're not, no problem. Email me within 30 days and I will issue you a full refund. No questions asked.

I am so confident that you will find value in this program, I am happy to allow you to evaluate it.

Honestly, I have seen small business owners lose thousands of dollars a year because they haven’t implemented these easy strategies into their business. Now is the perfect time to change your business.
"Lisa is amazingly gifted and she knows how to use her gifts to help people heal and experience life like never before. She releases blockages that are keeping you from reaching your full potential." 

Dr. Linda Law Potts
Healing Waters Wellness Center

About Lisa Thomas; Epigenetics Expert

Lisa Thomas, is a renowned Global Epigenetics Master and the creator of the transformative Soul Awakening Method™ and Inner Empowerment Matrix™. With a focus on unlocking untapped potential, igniting radical growth, and activating global impact, Lisa has dedicated her career to guiding high-achieving individuals beyond the confines of conventional success to achieve profound personal and professional breakthroughs.

As an international mentor and keynote speaker, Lisa’s insights into Epigenetics have revolutionized the approach to personal development and leadership. Her unique methods involve delving deep into inherited emotional DNA, enabling clients—from global business leaders to celebrities and emerging entrepreneurs—to overcome inherited limitations and realign their lives with their true purposes.

Author of the enlightening book "Mistakes Into Money," Lisa’s influence is recognized globally in the media: She has been featured in USA Today and on Good Morning LaLa Land, amongst others, as well as many podcasts and stages around the world.
How quickly can I expect to see results?
The body continues to be in “releasing mode” for up to 48 hours after the healing takes place - so many people tend to see the changes after a few days. However, sometimes the shifts are noticeable right away.
How do I know when my energy has shifted?
Most often, people report feeling like a “weight” has been lifted, but it shows up in many different ways, such as ideas, realizations, breakthroughs, success in a business deal, sudden changes in old patterns, synchronicities (from finding a penny to meeting a new client), and more.
Do I have to be awake for the healing to take place?
For the best results, you should stay awake during Parts One and Two. During Part Three, you can fall asleep and still see all the benefits of the healing.
Can I listen while driving?
It is not recommended to listen to these activations while operating a vehicle, heavy machinery, or anything that will distract you. 
It’s time to neutralize the damaging power that false assumptions about your abilities or deservedness hold on your life and happiness.
It’s time to reclaim the purposeful abundance that is waiting to flood your life.

This is your Divine Right

Believe and Receive
(C) 2023 Lisa Thomas, All Rights Reserved